Tomorrow's Journey
Healthy Decision Making & My Black Is Beautiful
A self-esteem curriculum for African American girls.
Our Vision
Leadership: Our girl participants will be our community leaders and mentors. Therefore, Tomorrow's Journey girl participants are capable of being socially just, ethical leaders who will create a better world.
Our Mission
The mission of Tomorrow's Journey is to expose girls to a world beyond their immediate experiences; give them a sense of being able to make a difference in their lives and the larger community; and raise their expectations of what they can accomplish; to develop authentic and effective culturally-based leadership, and to become collective in their thoughts, actions and purpose.
Family engagement is important in the Tomorrow's Journey. The parents and other family members and/or extended family are encouraged to participate in various activities and to volunteer. They are made aware that their encouragement will help to validate the student as she begins to develop a strong identity.

Our Program
Youth Leadership Development Training
A Model for High School Black Girls
Tomorrow’s Journey Youth Leadership Development Training model is designed for four years of high school student participation, starting with their freshman year, and generally concluding at the end of their senior year. It’s designed to train Black girls in the concepts of leadership and self-development. Further, it is a training vehicle that assist girls in achieving short and long term educational and employability goals through relevant career and occupational exposure.
Youth leaders are active in various activities that allows them to demonstrate their acquired skills such as, learning to facilitate groups, attending town hall meetings, hosting fundraisers, and performing community service.
Overall, the training model emphasizes practical hand-on experiences and a holistic approach to developing leaders for the 21st century.
Tomorrow's Journey is designed to fit within an academic year, as an after school program or added to the class schedule as a seventh period alternative credit. The program operates a minimum of three hours each day. The suggested hours of operation are 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm, two days a week, such as Tuesday and Thursday.
Up to 10 participants comprised of culturally and gender specific elementary, middle and high school girls, who have a need for the experience and the capacity to learn from the experience (i.e their capacity to learn from experience and feedback to make improvements.) 
The goal is to encourage positive social attitudes and relationships; build trust in others; become aware of African American authentic history and the great contributions to the world; develop a high self-esteem, self-identity and self-confidence; leadership skills and educational achievement.
Students Success Stories
“Ms. Gloria was the best leader. it was great to have her in my life in middle school and when I entered high school. She was not only helpful, but she was also kind, considerate, flexible, understanding and incredibly supportive during my 7 years in Tomorrow’s Journey. She has a true passion for her position and for the students that she works with, I am very thankful for her.”
Colossian Jolly
“Ms. Gloria is an amazing teacher and person! I feel like I can talk with her about anything, and she always listens. She is and has been an incredible resource to me and my family for 4 years, and I really feel like she has my best interest at heart. I love participating in Tomorrow’s Journey with other Black girls every week and learning about new subjects especially, about my history and attending new events around the community, I’ve been extremely satisfied with my experience with Tomorrow’s Journey, as well as with my relationship with Ms. Gloria!”
Nehema Kilassa
“Ms. Gloria is awesome! She was such an amazing help to me and was sure to keep me motivated throughout the year. I loved all the classroom activities, the community supporters, and the special outings/events she involved us in such as, IUrban Teen, BEAM and Why I Rock. I am a member, so I can’t wait for us to start us again”.
Dejai Webb
Contact Us Now
Tomorrow's Journey
Gloria Fluker
Owner, Educational Consultant and Trainer
Portland, Oregon
Email: tajaiproductions@aol.com
Phone: 503.284.8082